The Perfect Summer Lunch — Plus a Few Fun Surprises

There’s nothing that says “summer” like eating outside — the balmy air, cheery table settings, and tall glasses of iced tea (or a boozy summer punch) bring back all those good warm weather feelings.

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The Importance of Being Grateful: A Q&A with author Gina Hamadey

Gina Hamadey spent an entire year writing gratitude letters to everyone who’d made a difference in her life — big or small. The result? An incredible boost in happiness, and a book: “I Want to Thank You: How a Year of Gratitude Can Bring Joy and Meaning in a Disconnected World”, where she chronicles the experience. We were honored to be given the opportunity to ask her a few questions — and very inspired by her answers. Read on for her thoughts on writer’s block, the perfect stationery, and how to integrate gratitude into daily life. 

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Letters in the time of Bridgerton: Embracing all things romantic

Maybe it’s because we’re letter people, but watching (okay, binging) Bridgerton brought on a very specific craving: to write a letter using a quill pen while wearing a corset. This wouldn’t be just any letter, though. It would be full of the latest gossip, laced with unrecognizable old-fashioned terminology, and delivered by horse and buggy. To receive such a letter, we imagined, would be pure, old-fashioned joy. 

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Signing Off: How to end a letter in style

Let’s face it: goodbyes are hard. Especially in letter form, where the right ending can go a long way. Over here at Dear Annabelle, we love to geek out on all things epistolary, so we did a deep dive into the many ways to say adieu, and put together a list of our favorites for every occasion. Try one out on your next letter and see how it feels — it may just become your new signature. 

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Letter Lesson: How to ask someone to be in your wedding.

Sooooo, you’re engaged. Woo hoo! And your wedding is going to be in person. Double woo hoo! Now it’s time to get your bridal crew on board, so that you have an entourage of love and support behind you as you prep for the big day. We’ve compiled a list of ways to ask your besties that show them just how much they mean to you — and let’s you both have a little fun while you’re at it.

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